Unofficial morrowind patch and code patch
Unofficial morrowind patch and code patch

unofficial morrowind patch and code patch

If some others does not give about faction rules and plying into the lore, then why should I or any other player. "Have you decided to surrender the Imperial city and push deep into Blackmarsh as the Empire, it would have served the interest of not The Empire, but Telvanni." I hoped that after this over VH's army sent into Morrowind, such actions will be no longer part of the HS, but it seems I was very wrong. You saying that it is done in intrest of BM and it is "coincident" that it is also helping VH is nothink else than making fool out of us all. It is obvious that BM's atack on Khajits only makes sense if that is in order to help VH. "The difference between this and what I wrote you, is that this move makes sense" I never worked together with Blackmarsh as the Thalmor, and I would have decided to suggest him attacking the Khajiits as the Tribunal even if I didn't play the Thalmor." "But that is my point, Dragon wrote an RP that is not really true. The Thalmor has an interest in Elsweyr, Blackmarsh has an interest in Elsweyr, and this was the result. That this serves the interest of both Blackmarsh and Thalmor can be a conflict of interest, I ain't denying that, but there is nothing I can do about it. And you didn't do that, you did what made sense for the faction, capture Cheydenhaal but not go deeper.

unofficial morrowind patch and code patch

Have you decided to surrender the Imperial city and push deep into Blackmarsh as the Empire, it would have served the interest of not The Empire, but Telvanni. The difference between this and what I wrote you, is that this move makes sense, and serves the interests of Blackmarsh. I do play the Thalmor, which undoubtedly gave me an intel advantage that helped with the decision to go on with the attack, but that is not my fault, just a coincidence and the result of the HS becoming more straight forward as factions either die out or get stronger. I never worked together with Blackmarsh as the Thalmor, and I would have decided to suggest him attacking the Khajiits as the Tribunal even if I didn't play the Thalmor. Just to point of level of hypocrisy you are showing again.īut that is my point, Dragon wrote an RP that is not really true. "I just don't understand one thing, why are you attacking Blackmarsh if huge forces are advancing up to the Imperial City? I can't really complain about Cheydenhaal, it is close, but unless you go back after taking that and refuse Blackmarshes peace offers, I might just think you are helping Telvanni out as a last ditch effort with your other faction Which would be arguably illegal, but I want to understand your reasons in case I am missing something." PS: That is your recent message sent to me:

unofficial morrowind patch and code patch

You do not play into faction rules (again), but insteed like standard HS - that is fully cooperatings diplomactic and military actions of all your factions + Dragon's factions + Altmer faction. My reasoning has always been that since there is a stealmate in Cyrodiil and Morrowind, the only way he can expand and get strong enough to break the stealmate elsewhere, is to take the opportunity to finish Pelletine and Anequina"

unofficial morrowind patch and code patch

"but I really "convinced him" as the Tribunal, not the Thalmor. It is not about what kind of RP someone writes, but about open cooperation between BM and VH which is against faction rules. "I didn't really consult with Dragon regarding what kind of RP he'd write"

Unofficial morrowind patch and code patch